New headquarter / new trade name

We are glad to inform about the new headquarter and trade name of our company starting from 01.01.2019.

The color ROSA QUARZO RAL 3015 not available any more

The color ROSA QUARZO, RAL 3015, does not belong to our range of colors any longer starting from September 2018, while the color CIELO is still available.

New Privacy Policy “GDPR” – EU Regulations 2016/679

From 25th May 2018 the New General Data Protection Regulations EU 2016/679 “GDPR” will come into force. 
MEMEDESIGN by Homedesign di Olivieri Cinzia s.a.s., respecting the privacy of all users, has updated the Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy.

Invitation Furoisalone 2018

MEMEDESIGN attends Fuorisalone 2018 presenting several new products and the brand new collection for outdoor in the prestigious Brera Design District, inside the showroom Olivieri / Inkiostro Bianco, Largo Treves 2, Milan.