In order to bring the world of work and training closer together, since  March 2019 a collaboration between the institute L.A.B.A., FREE ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS of Rimini and the company MEMEDESIGN has begun.
The second year students of the Academy visited the company headquarters on March 26th, together with their professor of the Design course, Mr. Santolini.


All students interacted with Cinzia Olivieri, owner of the company, through related questions both to products and  company briefs. Very significant were the questions related to the  approaching of the business world and how to be known.
Different products have been analyzed both as executive drawings and as live production.

“I like knowing new creative talents and giving space to new and promising designers if possible. I find it consistent with the philosophy of MEME and with its way of approaching the market “. Cinzia Olivieri stated  at the end of the meeting.

Students will  be now developing  some new briefs that the company, in agreement with the Academy, considered correct to submit for the continuity of the collaboration, which will also see Ms Olivieri involved in the elaboration of these projects.

Academies, like universities, are High Culture Institutes and as such cannot be limited to the simple transmission of knowledge, but must be able to produce culture through continuous.